Tuesday, 23 June 2015

My Life in India

Thus says The Lord, He who created you O Jacob.
He whoformedyouOIsraeldon’tfear,
For I have redeemed you. I have called you by name you are mine”
(Is 43;1-2)

I gratefully remember our sisters in the Region who have arranged to have a beautiful life experience in India. Above all I thank the Lord Almighty for His providential care of me and His faithfulness that I experienced all through my life journey. My experience in India has allowed me to discover myself more. 

I realized that my very presence makes the difference more than my ability to use the language of the place, my religion and country to which I belong. I am touched by the very simple life of the people, their love and hospitality as I visited the villages especially to care for the sick and the suffering. I experience the joy and love of God through our children who are in the play school and in the hostel. I learnt something from our helpers also who helped me to speak their language. When I came from Egypt, speaking the language, Hindi/ Oraon of the people was a challenge, my attitude towards them spoke more than my words could express. My love for God and for His people helps me to grow in my religious life. 

With a grateful heart I remember all our sisters who have accepted and welcomed me to Navajeeven Region. A special “Thank you” for your simplicity, hospitality, concern, care & love. I express my sincere thanks to each one of you for your support, guidance and understanding as I grow in my journey in consecrated life 

I thank each one of you for my experiences of living out our charism of unity in multiple cultural realities. I feel proud to be a member of an International congregation to live our rich charism of communion. 

                                                                                       Sister Eman FAWZI Csj, (Fom Egypt to India)

1 comment:

  1. Sr. Eman I saw you at the Principal's office at Fatima college this morning. I was one among those staff who were introduced to you just before our meeting there. Welcome to India. Please give our Love to sr. Majdoline and the laities
