Thursday, 16 July 2015

News from Ghana

Dear friends,

Greetings from Hamile, Ghana.

Here we are fine. The Holy Family school, started in 2009 is growing and going on. Here are some news which you may like to hear from us.

This year we were able to admit only 73 fresh students to the school due to limitted classrooms. One student was repeated and so we have 74 students (39 girls $ 35Boys) in Form I , 55 students in Form II( 34 Girls & 21Boys) and Form III  21 Students (12 Girls & 9 Boys). The Form III finished their final exams in May and they are out. 

Our school is included in the Secondary Education Improvement Project where 19 of our First year students (12 Girls & 7 boys) are given scholarship for the study. They take care of all their needs including the school fees for the three years. Next year also our form 1 students will be selected for the same scholarship. This is a 5 year project where World bank helps Ghana government for the betterment of the country and people.

After many travels up and downs and appeals for help to develop the school, the Ghana government has come to our aid. On 9th June 2015 when the D.C.E (District Chief Executive) of Lambussie- Karni District, came with his people and handed over the four project paper sanctioned to us, we knew that our dreams were flowering.   And on 11th June 2015 the site was handed over to the different contractors. D.C. E with his party members, the traditional local chief with his elders, the assembly man-Hamile, Representative from the Regional and District education office, representative of school PTA , engineer with four contractors, the staff and the sisters were present to witness this event.

The four projects are :1. Girls’ hostel, 2. The 12 rooms classroom block ( storey), 3. Boys’ hostel and 4. the Administrative block with library and ICT lab (storey). At the moment the class room project contractor and boys hostel project contractor are on site to start the work.

The Dining Hall and Kitchen Project sposored by « The International school in Grand Lancy »is about to complete. Thank you Sr.catherine Fromager and the Association for your generous contribution. 

We thank you for your support and prayers.

With much appreciation, Sisters of St.Joseph at Hamile.


  1. Hi Ghana Friends,
    I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active involvement....
    Keep it up...

  2. Thank you Shinoj for your appreciation. You are welcome to visit our mission!

  3. Dear sisters in Ghana!!!
    Hats off to you for the yeomen service rendered.. Thank you for sharing your happiness with us at the sanction of the projects... The innumerable battles that you fought tirelessly have been duly blessed by Our Lord.. So proud of you beloved sisters. Wish you all the best for your future endeavours.
